Blue Texas Wildflower Bridal Bouquet Favorite How Much Do Satin Flowers Cost Per Person

Is your wedding look all about natural beauty? You may want to consider a wildflower bouquet.

This is a fresh, boho alternative to the traditional bridal bouquets that usually include lilies, roses or peonies and have a defined structure. It's a look we love. Wildflower often appear free-flowing, spontaneous and carefree, as if a bride has wandered through a meadow gathering up great armfuls of blooms on the way to their wedding - even though these bouquets have often, in fact, been painstakingly arranged by a florist to create that effect.

So what goes into a wildflower bouquet? To make your wedding more sustainable, make sure you choose seasonal British blooms. Native wildflowers include honeysuckle, columbine, cornflower, midsummer orchid, wood anemone, lily of the valley, bluebells, daisies, primrose, poppies and forget-me-nots. If you have a favourite bloom that isn't a wildflower, you can always include one or two as your 'hero' flower. An opulent, notice-me variety works best for this, such as peonies.

Remember, wildflower bouquets don't just contain flowers, but also grasses, grains and herbs, which add texture and vibrancy. You might also want to dial up the wild element with a helping of wheat, bulrushes - even a few rosemary sprigs. Wear flowers in your hair too if you want to truly embrace the boho vibe.

To help inspire your look, here are our favourite wildflower bouquets.


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1. Colour-Mix Wildflower Bouquet


We love the use of colour here, with a variety of hues really standing out against a white and green base.

2. Coral Wildflower Bouquet


Coral is usually associated with an autumn wedding, but as this bridal bouquet shows, it works beautifully for all seasons. The pops of blue add extra interest.

3. Structured Wildflower Bouquet


If you prefer a more ordered bouquet, this is still achievable with wildflowers. It helps to include firmer grasses and stems, but the overall effect remains delicate and pretty.

4. Bright Wildflower Bouquet


Wildflower bouquets don't have to be pastel. The bold hues in this stunning arrangement add real richness to the look.

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5. Blue Wildflower Bouquet


Turn your bouquet into your "something blue"! To prevent it feeling too heavy, mix up the blue shades and include colour pops in another hue.

6. Dried Wildflower Bouquet


Don't discount dried flowers; preserved blooms are also seriously on trend. According to Etsy, there's been a 93% jump in searches for dried flowers. There's no danger of them wilting if you're getting married on a hot day, they'll last for a long time after wards - no need to spend money preserving your bridal bouquet - and they add a rustic-chic edge to your look.

7. Mixed-Texture Wildflower Bouquet


We love it when brides go all-out with their bouquets. This mix of bright colours and textures feels so joyous - exactly the kind of mood that's right at a wedding.

8. Red Wildflower Bouquet


The cream and white foliage softens the red blooms in this beautiful dried bouquet. The mix of textures is particularly well judged.

READ MORE:How to Make a Wedding Bouquet: Seven Easy Steps

9. Elegant Wildflower Bouquet


Wildflower bouquets are usually associated with laidback, boho or festival-style weddings. However, this chic bouquet in muted shades proves the look can work well at more formal weddings, too.

10. Pre-Made Wildflower Bouquet


You can save time and money by buying a pre-made wildflower bouquet made of dried blooms - check out Not On The High Street and Etsy.

11. White, Yellow and Green Wildflower Bouquet


This is such a fresh colour combination. Take the daisy as your starting point, then add other blooms in the same hues, plus a dash of foliage.

12. Sunflower & Wildflower Bouquet


Big, beautiful sunflowers are so lovely as part of a wildflower bouquet, particularly if you use a lot of bright colours.

READ MORE: How to Choose Your Wedding Flowers

13. Pink Wildflower Bouquet with Roses


Pink wedding bouquets are so romantic, as shown by this delicate bridal arrangement. The roses add a sense of opulence, as well as perfuming the bouquet.

14. Cascading Wildflower Bouquet


We love how wild and unstructured this bouquet looks - ideal for a boho wedding. The reality, of course, is that it has been expertly constructed by a florist; it takes a lot of skill to put something like this together.

15. Autumn Wildflower Bouquet


Think seasonal with your flower and foliage varieties, and also with your colours. The hues of this heavenly bouquet are all about autumn.

16. Simple Wildflower Bouquet


If your bridal style is on the minimalist side, you can still have a wildflower bouquet. Just keep the colour palette simple - white and green is such a classic - and include only a carefully curated selection of flowers and foliage.

READ MORE: How Much Do Wedding Flowers Cost? Our Complete Guide

17. Small Wildflower Bouquet


You don't have to go oversized with a wildflower bouquet. This pared-back beauty still have plenty of impact because of the use of contrasting colours.

18. Rustic Wildflower Bouquet


To create a pleasingly rustic effect, ask your florist to wrap the stems with hessian or twine.

19. Pastel Wildflower Bouquet


The ice cream shades of this bridal bouquet are bewitchingly pretty. We also love that lace tie to finish the look.

20. Wildflower Bouquet with Feathers


Consider adding other elements from the natural world for extra texture - feathers, as seen here, can be very effective.

READ MORE: Winter Wedding Flowers: 23 Beautiful Winter Wedding Bouquets

21. Summer Wildflower Bouquet


This bouquet is full of the joys of summer, with pretty roses mingling with wildflowers.

22. Textured Wildflower Bouquet


Don't be afraid to play with different texture combinations - as here, a mix of frothy, spiky and structured blooms can look truly wonderful.

23. Romantic Wildflower Bouquet


Use delicate colours and flowers if you want to create a romantic effect - fresh greenery keeps it from being too sugary.

24. Wildflower Bouquet with Herbs & Berries


The use of natural materials here is so clever, with trailing herbs adding texture and berries studded around the blooms as rich colour pops.

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25. Pink & Yellow Wildflower Bouquet


Simplicity can be so effective. Putting just two colours together, in strong shades, really makes a statement.

26. Spring Wildflower Bouquet


This bouquet is just bursting with spring freshness, and the interplay between the different flower sizes is lovely.

27. Wildflower & Succulent Bouquet


We're very keen on succulent wedding bouquets - combine these with some delicate wildflowers for a contemporary cool effect.

28. Daisy Wedding Bouquet


Choose just one wildflower, such as the daisy, for a look that's laidback and undeniably pretty.

29. Daffodil Wildflower Bouquet


Wild daffodils have pale leaves with darker central trumpets - and we think they're a beautiful addition to a spring wedding bouquet.

Want to keep the rest of your wedding décor feeling fresh and natural? Explore our guide to the best wedding decoration ideas.


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